Getting Ready to Move

on Saturday, December 26, 2009

Looking forward to tomorrow morning. I was hoping to be prayed for and sort of sent out by the church we are attending right now as we prepare for our trip to Nicaragua in a week, but we really don't know many people who are leaders in the church and didn't see it happening, but God knows my heart and my desire to be covered and connect so last Sunday when I was speaking with a friend, Wendy, after church, her friend from the missions department stopped to talk to her. Wendy introduced us and then without a moment of hesitation or even knowing my heart, asked this lady if they could do something about praying for us or sending us out. As a result I got connected and the church will call us up tomorrow to pray for us. I'm so thankful for the prayer covering and for the way that God takes care of my heart.

I'm a little stressed by all that has to happen in the next week, but all it's really only a lot of hard work. It won't kill us, just make us stronger :) We have to get rid of some stuff, pack some for storage and move some to friend's and family's homes. I love how some things that you keep forever have just naturally started to run out or quit on us. Like running out of the enormous box of dishwasher detergent and using up all the food in the pantry and the freezer, oversized electronics like tvs and monitors dying or huge bottles of body wash being used up. Just makes it feel like ... "yep, it's time to move on and do so with less stuff once again." Little things like that actually give me a lot of joy, getting rid of dead weight I mean. Like I tossed a broken food chopper and hand blender last month, I forgot a platter at a friends and decided to leave it there and I keep finding things to pawn off or give away. Some things will be harder. Like our lovely cat, Sam, that we have inherited. He is such a friendly and cuddly cat that gives all of us so much joy. I never thought I could like a cat this much. And then there is the kitchen aide :( But for everything I have to give up God is on the other side making a way, providing for our every need. When I was Christmas shopping last week, I kept finding things on sale that I had forgotten I was going to buy for our trip like a portable water filter and a more practical purse for travelling and carrying things like travellers cheques or passports. I was so blessed to find them along the way and for a good price.

We were so blessed the past month with financial gifts and encouragement. Between the gifts and some generous compensation for a little work that I did, Graeme and I have been given exactly what it cost us to book our plane tickets. Just another confirmation that we are headed in the right direction. I kept seeing 222 and 2222 the other day and upon some research found the scripture in Isaiah that reminded me that when God opens a door, when he places a call on your life and you choose to obey, no one can close that door to you. We are so confident of God's call on us to go to Nicaragua in this season and He is faithful to hold the doors open to us. I know that we will not be ashamed for following His voice because He is going to make this so good! It also gives me peace in our considerations and discussions about crossing into the USA again. We have had so many problems there in the past, but this time I know that the Father has opened a door and that this time no man will close it to us.

At times I am feeling a little inadequate for the job, in Nica I mean. I need to spend some more time with Jesus to remember who He is and what He's placed in me. I have been so busy and preoccupied and life just does such a good job of making you feel totally human and insufficient. Getting in touch with His grace is just what I need, it's sufficient and will make me so.

I am so thankful for the time that I have had at home in Canada. I loved my time in Redding. It was such a stretching and growing time. I learned a lot about my Father and myself, but it was a very busy time. I left feeling like I want to save the world and started to realize when no one else was there to encourage my children that they were feeling a little left out. Our time in Canada has been an awesome time of learning what message I bring and how that fits with meeting my kids needs and raising them up. I forgot how much I enjoy just being a mom and a friend to moms. I still want to teach and impact a nation, but God has been teaching me how to change the world one conversation at a time. He's asked me time and again. "Would you do it for the one?" I used to think that the only way I would change the world is to preach to thousands, but I love the fact that every time my realization of the Father's heart changes someone's heart for someone else or affects the way they relate to the Father that I am changing the world. Impacting one person for eternity can change the course of history. Ben and I studied the woman at the well this fall in his Bible study. Jesus had one conversation with a woman and she went home and told her city of Jesus and how He prophesied over her. Many came to hear His words and believed. One conversation can reverberate through hundreds or even just stick in the heart of one who will come to a place of influence and change a school, a church or a nation. Wow!! We forget the power of the tongue and prayer and the Holy Spirit at work in us.

Once again, it's very late and I have to be up early. I love this blogging thing. It gives me a chance to see what's in my heart as I put my thoughts to words. Merry Boxing week and Happy New Year if I don't blog before.


Lorry Hoback said...

Chris, Can I just say that you are an amazing person? Truly. I love your heart, and you truly have impacted far more peaople than you realize. Its like the gift that keeps on giving! I miss you my dear friend, Bob and I were talking the other day about you and Graeme and the kiddos. Please keep writing these blogs, it helps me feel like I'm a part of whats going on. You all are definitely in my prayers, what a life change you are heading into. The good thing is, is that He doesn't give us more than we are capable of bearing. Speaks a lot to me of who you guys are.
Grace and love to you,

Unknown said...

Hey Chris,
Glad I got to read this before we get the priveledge of praying for you in church today!
I like to think that God brought you back to Kelowna just to encourage us but I do see how has been at work in your family, bringing you closer together this season and that's why you have great kids-We love you all so much! It's so awesome watching him move you and building your faith more as he provides and does the miraculous in you and in the people around you. I was just thinking today that we are praying for you but I know-especially if Graeme gets the mic that you have something for us too! It's just your giving nature and way not to want to impart something to us too! You guys are awesome-Nica will be better for having you and we will continue to pray his blessing & favor! Love you!

Unknown said...

Chris you bless me. It is so good to know your heart and to see our heavenly father pouring into you. I am amazed that we can live this far apart and yet our Abba father reveals Himself to us in many of the same ways. Our message this morning was about when we are weak...He is strong!
2 Corinthians 12 :10 (the message version)
I am so proud to know you and so glad that you are being obedient to the call. You inspire me and all who know you. May the ripple that begins with you extend to far beyond what you could ask or imagine but may you always have a taste of the Joy of your obedience, enough to keep going! You, Graeme, Caleb, Bailley & Ben are in our prayers. We are excited to see what God does next in you and through you! Love you, your sister, Sue

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